Joy is in the journey within the eternal self expressed in being…

The joy of being is discovered in the journey of connecting and communing with our own true nature within the expression of being.

The joy of being is discovered in the journey of connecting and communing with our own true nature within the eternal expression of self, being and Source.

  • Practice self-Love… remember, practice makes perfect. Write your own Life story deliberately. Tell the story of your Life the way you want it to be written in history. Imagine your ancestors and your descendants are celebrating and supporting your every joy in being. Give your eternal self the gift of your attention inherent in the divine power of your Light of your consciousness (your Love). Know your divine power exists within your Light of consciousness. Choose now to point, place, pay, give and direct your attention and your Light of consciousness joyously inward to your eternal presence of being. Choose self-Love, and choose to awaken to the truth within.
  • Practice self-empowerment… awaken now to the truth and realization that in order to allow yourself to live the best Life ever you have to practice directing most of your focus, attention and energy towards doing the things that serve the connection to your higher self. Practicing self-Love, self-awareness, and self-respect will make you happy ~ build self-esteem, healthy ~ build spiritual self-worth, and complete ~ become self-actualized. When you choose to feel good inside, people around you will benefit more from you truly being your authentic self versus trying to be something you’re really not. Self-empowerment is about the deepening and strengthening of your inherent connection to your perfection within your true nature and eternal self-expression. When you empower this connection you become the true master of your emotions and the master of your responses to Life challenges. Choose self-empowerment, and choose to awaken to the eternal truth within.
  • Practice self-acceptance… your Life is truly a practice of becoming, unfolding and awakening to your own inherent true nature within the perfection of your eternal self-expression. Your true nature is unconditional Love within your expression of being. In other words, it is in your own inherent nature of Love intelligence and expression to give your Light of consciousness, your undivided attention, and your energy, to what makes you feel goodness or to what makes you commune with emptiness, inside your own heart. Choose self-acceptance, and choose to awaken to the eternal truth within.
  • Practice self-guidance… in this physical realm, or this dimension of Life, your point of focus is critically important. Your point of focus is what you pay attention to, and what you pay attention to is what you give Love, meaning and energy to. Only you are the joyous, deliberate creator of your own Life, no one else. Only you can strengthen your inherent connection to your eternal true nature and eternal self-expression within being. Practice self-guidance, and focus deliberately, intentionally and continuously in the direction of your true nature and perfection within. Choose self-guidance, and choose to awaken to the eternal truth within.
  • Practice self-awareness… listen attentively to the silent and still inner voice within your heart. Choose to focus joyously inward, and pay close attention to your internal guidance system. This is your sixth sense. Practice bodyfulness, choose to feel goodness within your body by focusing on your inner empty heart space. Practice redirecting your attention, energy and Light of consciousness away from mind, ego, intellect and thought. Choosing to direct your point of focus and attention on your own internal energy field, infinite inner heart space, breath, belly, being, and solar plexus. What makes you connect more and more with your own true nature of expression (Love intelligence) within your eternal being is good for you, and is, in turn, reflected in your perception of Life and in your joy of being. Choose self-awareness, and choose to awaken to the eternal truth within.
  • Practice self-worth… awaken to the truth and realization of your own eternal greatness. Be self-assured that giving yourself the gift of inner space by practicing letting go of the illusion of past (self-forgiveness) you cease giving, directing, and transmitting attention and energy to past and future (energizing mind, ego, intellect, and thought). With this practice you are allowing yourself unlimited access to receiving all of the gifts and eternal joys of Life into your heart. Choose self-worth, and choose to awaken to the eternal truth within.
  • Practice self-Love, give the gift of divine power within the Light of your consciousness to your own eternal self. Always remember, what you worship is what you become. The eternal truth is, the reflections in your perception (your relationships, your possessions, and your experiences in your Life) are based on the strength or the weakness of the inherent connection you build and maintain with your own true nature of perfection in the expression of your being. Practice now, and everyday, building self-esteem, self-confidence, self-worth, self-honesty and self-Love, by deliberately strengthening your alignment, and connection with your eternal self, with your unconditional Love and your eternal Light. Choose self-Love, and choose to awaken to the eternal truth within.

Joy is in the journey within the eternal self expressed in being…

Eternally in Love and Light,

Kurt 🙂

My path, my practice and my purpose…

A Spiritual Warrior is an expression of the Divine!

A Spiritual Warrior is an expression of the Divine!

I discovered my mission as a life-long student and teacher of spirituality… by searching within (my path), by letting go of ego and thought, and by connecting to my true nature, my eternal self, and my inner being.

I made my discovery by redirecting my attention and energy away from my mind (my practice), my incessant, selfish thoughts, my ego, and the illusion of separation. Now, I only direct my focus, my attention and my energy into my being and inner energy field. By making this connection, in a meditative state, in silence and stillness, only then did I awaken to the truth and realization of truly knowing who I really am. In my  awakened and connected state, in presence, in the Light of my consciousness, with my eternal true nature, I honestly know my purpose and my joy of being.

The truth really is… it really doesn’t matter what we do in Life, what really matters is that we fill ourselves with the Light of consciousness and feel goodness inside our hearts (my purpose).

You can achieve real inner freedom, awakening and knowing by communing with your eternal self and inner energy in presence. Our being is always present within us, and that’s why the present contains all the gifts of our eternal true nature; love, joy, peace and compassion. The truth is… your perception is just the reflection of the strength or weakness of the connection you have to your eternal self, which exists only in presence, harmony and perfection with all that is.

Joy is in the journey within
my path, my practice and my purpose…

The Greatest Asset In Life…

Your life is a vivid, abundant expression of your inner beauty, which is reflected in your love for family and friends.

You express so much kindness and give the world the best of you, because you know the most beautiful things in life are not seen, but felt by the heart.

You don’t regret growing older because you realize it is a real privilege denied to so many.

You discovered truth, wisdom and well-being within your heart.

You emanate a glow of godliness.

You reflect the perfection of goodness.

You epitomize eternity in harmony.

Your beauty warmth and grace fill up the silence, stillness and emptiness with love, light and the joy of being.

You built a truly wonderful life, fashioned like a garland of beautiful deeds.

You discovered the greatest asset in life…

…to connect, commune and dwell with your Source energy, your essence and your center within.

Joy is in the journey deep within,
Kurt Douglas Trevallion


A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be. ~ Albert Einstein